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 GM application

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2 posters

Posts : 64
Join date : 2009-11-30
Age : 29
Location : Georgia

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PostSubject: GM application   GM application I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2010 3:58 am

- Name-Garrett(Gary)

- Country-USA

- Age-15 -

- Time Zone GMT+/-(?)-EST -5, i understand that you owners are on way different time, but that just means i would be the GM thats on when no other GMS are on, and can make up for that slack.

- Why do you want to be a GameMaster?-to help the community and satisfy the need to have events and win at them, and to help with any questions.

- What can you do for this community?-answer almost any question about GunZ, start important topics unnoticed by admins or owners

- have you been a GameMaster on another server before?(if so then show proof) i have not been a GM before, but you always have to start somewhere. im hoping this will teach me as much as i hope to teach others

- Anyhting else you want us to know about u?
Well, where can i start. ive been playing GunZ for over 3 years and am a addict of this game.
i understand i might not be the Best person for this position but ive been with this community for over 1 month and haven't left yet(through All the changes and problems).
im hoping to become a GM so i can get some exp from a starting server, help more people, and solve problems.
i consider Dema a great friend and would hope to be equel to him so theres no jealousy(which i confess i have had a little in the past).

now, if theres anything else you need to know about me, just ask, i check the forums regularly.
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Posts : 69
Join date : 2009-11-25
Age : 29
Location : The Netherlands

GM application Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM application   GM application I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2010 9:33 am


For now you're are hired, I wanna see how you act.

But remember don't abuse powers and shizzle because you still can get Fired + Banned.

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